Blogging Challenge Week 3 Activity 3

My father told me a story about his parents, my grandparents.  It goes as follows:

My grandparents were both born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1941.  Their fathers, my great-grandfathers, worked together as milkmen.  When they were toddlers my Grandpa Bryan actually pushed by Grandma Judy off the front porch while she was sitting on her tricycle.  Fortunately, she wasn’t badly hurt!  My great-grandfathers stopped working together a few years later and lost touch with one another.  However, when my grandparents were 19 years old, they were introduced to one another at a party.  My Grandma Judy came home that evening and told her dad that she had met a boy named Bryan Roub.  My great-grandfather then told my Grandma, “That’s Bernie’s boy!  Marry him!”  They began dating each other at that time and on June 19, 1965 my grandparents were married.  They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this summer! During the time they got married, Martin Luther King Jr. was working toward equal rights for all races, no matter one’s skin color.  This picture is courtesy of  240 × 255 – .


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